The European Commission is exploring the development of a European Digital Skills Certificate (EDSC) to help people have their digital skills quickly and easily recognised by employers, training providers and more.
To do this, the JRC is carrying out a Feasibility Study of the European Digital Skills Certificate, as Action 9 of the Digital Education Action Plan (2021- 2027) – JRC/SVQ/2022/OP/0013. The study will allow for the analysis of the needs and design of the EDSC and governance option that best meets the needs of the stakeholders across the EU, ultimately generating valuable recommendations for EDSC implementation.
As an EDSC Ambassador and active member of the Digital Competence Certification Community of Practice, Learnable supports the goals of the European Skills Agenda through the development and testing of education and training European projects focus on digital skills.

We therefore invite all interested stakeholders to take part in this public consultation by participating in the two online surveys have been launched in parallel with the objective of respectively collecting information on national and regional digital competence certification and digital competence development policies and training offers leading to a certification in EU27 Member States.
The surveys are, respectively, directed to public authorities and policy-makers at the national, regional and local level working in the fields of education, digitalisation, and employment, and to education and training providers.
They will be open until the 23rd of January 2023.
To participate and receive the link to the surveys, you need to register at https://edsc-consultation.eu/register/. You will then receive a personal link by e-mail to participate in the surveys.