The first draft of the MakeMyFuture Framework was produced. The first result of the MakeMyFuture project consists of different profiles according to the areas identified by the partners as relevant to Industry 4.0. on the basis of ECVET and EQF descriptors.
Through an analysis of existing educational curricula and training programs at the national level, the partners defined a set of digital competences needed by industry 4.0.
The most relevant competences needed by Industry 4.0 in the partner countries were selected by 77 advanced manufacturing companies and 29 experts in Industry 4.0.
Based on this feedback, the partners elaborated a set of common profiles and competences needed by industry 4.0 which are in line with the national VET school curricula that are:

You can check out the English version using this link. Translated versions in the partnership languages will also be released shortly.
If you have any suggestions or changes to the contents of the document, please write to us at the following email address: giulio@learnable-europe.eu.
To discover more about the project, visit the official website.
Enjoy the reading!